In most printing processes, RGB color space is usually converted to CMYK before creating the artwork.
Essentially, any colors produced with RGB on the digital space will not create the same output on the physical print.
This is based on the color gamut, which in other words means that translating RGB to CMYK usually allows the color to convert only as close to the original appearance of the display screen.
Therefore, working in a CMYK color space allows the artwork to look exactly or as close as possible to the real life design you will get when it becomes printing on paper or packaging.
This applies to;
· Offset printing
· Flexographic printing
· Digital printing
What happens if you’ve created a design using the RGB color model?
The good news is your artwork designs can very easily be converted to the CMYK color model through whatever design program you may be using.
However, the drawback for converting RGB color model designs to CMYK is that colors may need to be corrected again to produce something more close to your original design you created using RGB.