This is the most frequently used color in packaging design and the most widely used. It is very common in many graphic designs (referring to posters, hanging pictures or situational binding). The so-called contrast between dark and light should mean that the two colors in the design color appear cleverly on a screen at the same time, and produce a more coordinated viewing angle effect. Usually use a large area of light color base, and use a dark composition on it, such as light yellow base, use coffee to compose the picture, or use light yellow or white pattern lines in the brown color block; Use light green base; dark green composition; pink base; red composition; light gray base; soap black composition and so on. These are the depth contrasts of color use. We can use this form in packaging design on some cosmetics packaging or some western wine packaging, especially Western European wine packaging. China's Changyu wines and Shuanghui sausages, as well as Xijie's meat products packaging, are mostly expressed in this form. This type of packaging is also common in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. The visual effect it shows is bright, simple, gentle, and elegant.
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The Contrast Between The Shades Of Color Used
- Dec 17,2022 -
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