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Which is better, paper bag or cloth bag
- Dec 27,2022 -

In fact, on the whole, paper bags and cloth bags have their own advantages, even though plastic bags still play a vital role. However, by comparing paper bags with cloth bags, I think the current demand for paper bags will be larger than cloth bags.

Paper bags and cloth bags are both environmentally friendly, reusable and convenient. But the cloth bag can be cleaned, reuse times will be relatively high, so the elderly will be more like the cloth bag. As for paper bags, although they are not used so many times, their cost is cheaper and their processes are more diverse. In terms of senses, paper bags are generally higher than cloth bags. This is very suitable for young people who like fashion, so we can see that most sports brand stores use paper bags.

Therefore, compared with cloth bags, paper bags may not be as practical as cloth bags, but the overall marketing value of paper bags is higher, so in commercial activities, more people use paper bags. In general, paper bags are slightly better than cloth bags except in special circumstances.

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