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Is it reasonable for a printing factory to print origin documents?
- Dec 27,2022 -

If you're not looking for print, don't bother with the source file. If you're looking for print, provide the source file.

Printing is inherently prone to error, once the origin file is not available, it will greatly increase the probability of error. If it is provided with complete information to the printing house, the printing house is fully responsible for the serious error, and the most important source documents are not provided, the error, most of the responsibility is not in the printing factory. So in order to print the effect, it is necessary to provide the origin file to the printing factory.

Provide origin documents, will the printing factory take to sell? First of all, let's be realistic. As long as your work appears in the public eye, if someone likes it, others want to imitate it, it is impossible to stop, regardless of the origin documents. And before printing, the completion can find a printing factory to sign a confidentiality agreement, most of the printing factory is not a business, so will follow the agreement. In general. This question is a false proposition. It's like when you need an ID to fly and you're afraid the airline will reveal your identity. The best solution is to find a printing house with a designer, and then long-term cooperation, so as not to worry about leaking ideas, but also to ensure the quality of the product.


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