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What Display Type Do I Need?
- Dec 27,2022 -

Retail displays come in various shapes and sizes. Some types of displays are most suitable for specific product categories, while other types of displays are most suitable for specific retail environments. Spacious club stores may have room for larger settings, while small convenience stores may only allow low-profile inline displays with smaller footprint.


After considering the requirements of your retail partners, you still have some considerations. Heavy or high turnover products need a large structure strong enough to support the products. Similarly, displaying several commodities requires enough space to display each commodity. Space-saving and low-profile display design is usually best for smaller products.


Next, you should consider where you want to display your products in the store. Some displays have shapes and sizes suitable for specific retail locations. In addition, some areas of shops are famous for their particularly effective sales because they provide high visibility and more pedestrian traffic. To take advantage of these most coveted locations, you need the right type of displays.


With all the different options, you may still be unsure which type of display to choose. To help you choose the product display, we have created an overview of different types of temporary cardboard retail display. Take a look at our retail display options, how they are used, and what products they are most suitable for.


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With our experience in the industry, we can cater to a number of businesses such as toys, stationery, food, electronic items, clothing , daily necessities and more.

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Cardboard Display
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Tel: +86-755-82046665

Tel: +86-755-82046667

Email: candy@hedisplay.com

Add: Floor1-2,No.6,Hengyun Rd, Xinsheng Community,Longgang street,Longgang District,518116, Shenzhen,China