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Why do goods have to be packed?
- Dec 27,2022 -

Why do goods have to be packed? I'm sure most people have one of two answers. The first is to protect the product, and the second is to increase sales of the product. There's nothing wrong with that answer. Broadly speaking, it does.

However, there are many types of goods, and each type of packaging has a different meaning. For example, some wholesale products, the use of packaging is mostly only a simple protection of goods, easy to transport. And some mall fast retailing products, are often serialized packaging, he mainly focuses on the role of fast retailing and brand effect, to put it simply, is to promote sales. Here the packaging mainly focuses on illustration design, to show the packaging characteristics with pictures. The last category, mainly holiday packaging, is used for gifts. The cost unit price of the first two kinds of packaging is generally not more than 10 yuan, but the gift packaging cost of about 20-30 yuan, the main reason is that the gift package regardless of the color painting, box type, technology need repeated research, and gift is very important occasions, so it can not avoid packaging.

There are several classifications of the functions of packaging. Do you want to say that goods can be packaged without packaging? In fact, strictly speaking, yes, now there are many places to advocate the theme of bulk purchase, consumers bring their own packaging, bulk weighing goods. This can be said to be done without packaging, of course, this is a small number of cases.


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