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How to avoid excessive packaging?
- Dec 27,2022 -

How to avoid excessive packaging? The new national standard mandates that the number of packaging layers for food and cosmetics should not be more than three, and the packaging gap should not be more than 60%. These two rules are designed to limit the volume of packaging. The number of layers shall not be more than 3 layers, and the packing void ratio shall not be more than 60%. These two rules are designed to limit the volume of packaging.

Excessive volume wastes materials, and occupies transportation space and mall space, resulting in corresponding expenses and costs rise, and this part of the cost will eventually be added to the sales price, borne by consumers. The new standard also stipulates that the total cost of all packaging, except the initial packaging, should not exceed 20 percent of the price of the product, mainly to restrict manufacturers from packaging goods with high-grade materials such as wood and metal materials and save the increasingly depleted natural resources.


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